Friday, January 1, 2016

The Purpose of Relevant Flix

We live in a world of stories. From rudimentary paintings on cave walls, to intricate sculptures on the sides of buildings to novels and books to our most popular form of storytelling; Movies, our world is full of storytellers.  However stories are not simply told to entertain.  They have a purpose.  From the ghost stories told around the campfires to the epic cinema masterpiece trilogies we see on the big screen, stories have a purpose. The purposes range from simply conveying information, to  recording of history, to commentary on social issues, to persuasion to see the points of individuals.  However you slice it no movie is made without a reason, and pure entertainment is rarely the reason.

This is the purpose of Relevant Flix.  Not to simply watch a movie and have a good time (this will happen of course), but to critically watch a movie and understand the reason the filmmakers made this particular film, told this particular story in this particular way.  What were they trying to say and how does this movie reflect or influence the current culture.  Then we ask the questions, how can Christians use this movie or the ideologies in it to engage the culture around us.  All in our efforts to make a difference in this world for the cause of Christ.

IF you are interested in this journey then I encourage you to join us at our events.  If you are unable to join us then follow this blog and I will post what we discussed about the films we view.  I may also from time to time talk about a movie we haven't watched together.  Join us for the ride and we may learn a new way to watch a movie.

The Theolobster